Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Manila, Philippines whats good?! Beyond, beyond is in its final days before we finally debut it to the world. And before we do, I personally want to invite you to embark on a passionate journey into a lost art -- reading. This book was introduced to me by Nimbus in 2006. It's a very short book written by a very introspective author and which you can finish in an hour or so. Me, Nimbus, Mike Swift & Chrizo are fans of this book. Why? Read it. It'll show you more about me and how we handle all our opportunities. Here's page 33 for you guys to start with:

"A warrior of light shares his world with the people he loves.
He tries to encourage them to do the things they would like to do
but for which they lack courage;
at such times, the Enemy appears holding two wooden signs in his hands.
On one sign is written: 'Think about yourself. Keep all the blessings for yourself,
otherwise you'll end up losing everything.'
On the other sign, he reads:
'Who do you think you are, helping other people?
Can't you see your own faults?'
A warrior knows that he has faults.
But he knows too that he cannot do this growing alone;
and thus distance himself from his companions.
Therefore, he throws the two signs to the floor,
even if he thinks they may contain a grain of truth.
The signs crumble into dust,
and the warrior continues to encourage those nearest him."



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