Monday, January 26, 2009

See things in a different light, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!

Me, my two brothers and cousins went to Vegas and checked out the BODIES EXHIBITION last December. At one point, after looking at all the dead bodies, we were real curious on where they get the bodies from. I think my brother Ryan blurted it out "They must be coming from China". Makes sense to me, since China actually has a very big population and that I even think that the government of China is behind the melamine related tragedies. I mean their conviction and regard for death are extreme. I see them going to that extent of devicing ways to cut down their population. Anyways, here is a video that my brother Ryan sent to me today, Brian Ross, investigates on the worldwide success of this exhibit. Check out the owner of the exhibit as he gets cornered! Thanks bro!

Here's the link:

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